
Why Sponsor Smiles?

Because it's a great way to contribute to the world in a measurable way, where you can see and feel the results. Every card that is printed, sent and given away is an extra smile in the world, that came from you.

You will feel good knowing that you have contributed to society. You can also use it as an opportunity to tell others about the social contribution you are making.

There are two ways to sponsor smiles.

  1. Go straight to the immediate sponsorship page (button to your right) where you can choose how many smiles you want to sponsor, and make your payment, the whole process only takes a few minutes.
  2. To be acknowledged on our website for your generosity and contribution to the world, see below for
    • the process to make sure we display your correct details.
    • all the ways that you will be recognised, for both businesses and individuals

A.  So that we can recognise you on our web site, for your generosity and contribution to the world, there is a three step process

  1. Nominate how many smiles you want to sponsor
  2. Give us your details to display, for first time users or log in if you are returning to sponsor more smiles (All the smiles you sponsor are added together)
  3. Payment options and processing

B.  These are the ways that you will be recognised:

All individual sponsors' names, suburb and Country can be seen on the web site in 3 lists as follows:

  1. Alphabetically,
  2. In the top sponsors listing, this is a listing in order of how many smiles have been sponsored and
  3. According to the date that smiles are sponsored.

For individuals there are 4 categories

  1. Adults
  2. Teenagers 13-17 year olds
  3. 8- 12 year olds
  4. 0-7 year olds

For businesses, in each industry ie Accountant, Hairdresser etc, you are in 3 listings with your name and country, each with a link to your website,

  1. Alphabetically
  2. The top sponsors are listed according to how many smiles have been sponsored
  3. According to the date that you first sponsored smiles

To find out about Gold Silver and Bronze sponsorships, see below.

You will receive an email advising you that you are now a sponsor. If you have sponsored smiles before, your current smile sponsorship will be added to your previous smiles sponsorship.

Here is an example of how many smiles you will be giving to the world.

Amount of SmilesDollar Value

Step 1

Please nominate the amount of smiles that you would like to sponsor:

Quantity of Smiles

OR  $ Dollar value
(If smiles and dollar value do not match, the dollar value will be used)

Please select your Category:

Click here to

200 smiles$10.00
400 smiles$20.00
1,000 smiles$50.00
2,000 smiles$100.00
4,000 smiles$200.00
10,000 smiles$500.00
20,000 smiles$1,000.00

Corporate Bronze, Silver or Gold sponsorships are also available.

Benefits: Your logo can be seen on the home page, links from our home page to your web site, listed on the top sponsors site, personalised smile cards, invitations to our functions, to see more benefits see below to see a table of benefits.

There is 3 levels of Corporate Sponsors

Gold - This requires a minimum donation of $10,000.00 per year
Silver - This requires a minimum donation of $5,000.00 per year
Bronze - This requires a minimum donation of $2,000.00 per year

Corporate Sponsors are listed within their category according to the size of donation and when donated.

Benefits includedGoldSilverBronze
Annual donation required$10,000.00$5,000.00$2,000.00
Listing on home page as a Gold Sponsor

Listing on Sponsor page under appropriate category, ie Gold, Silver, Bronze
Gold, Silver or Bronze indicator beside listing in sponsors section
Invitation as VIP to events

Invitation to events
5,000 cards with your URL printed on cards as supporting Smile Forward™ (Sent to you if required)

5,000 smile cards (Sent to you if required)

2,000 smile cards (Sent to you if required)

To enquire about Corporate Sponsorship please click here to send us an email.

sharing smiles, smile forward