About Us

Smile Forward™ is a not for profit organisation. 100% of the profits go to housing, feeding, providing clean water, education and health care for orphans with the largest needs in the world.

It is run by a Government registered and audited not for profit trust.

Smile Forward™ has come about from the recognition of two of the worlds greatest needs.

  1. The need for more joy in the places where people have food and good living conditions and the opportunity of obtaining them and
  2. The need of orphans that do not have food and good living conditions who have little to no opportunity of obtaining them.

If you would like to know more about Smile Forward™ click on the links below or click here to send us an email to ask us what you would like to know.

Why What Who When How


It's easy to give away.

It does not take a lot of time, about 3 seconds for a good smile.

It makes you feel better.

It's nice to see someone smiling at me.

It makes others feel better.

You will see the results.

It produces chemicals in your brain to make you healthier.

It helps you to be more positive.

You look nicer when you smile.

You can tell others.

Smiling is a great thing to talk about.

It's a great conversation starter.

There is no cost.

Why not.

What you sow you reap. Keep smiling at people and some of that joy will come back to you, may be when you least expect it.

No one needs a smile more than someone who hasn't got one to give.

It's a great way to contribute back to our society. There is so much opportunity in the world, to make a difference.

We all know the statistics, we are so much better off than the other two thirds who have no food. Why not contribute to world today.


What if you could make a difference in someone's life just by smiling at someone. We are coming up to tough times, history tells us that some people will commit suicide. Just visualise what it would be like knowing you made difference in someone's life. Telling the story to your children, what a good lesson that would be for them.

What if the world became a happier place every day because people are smiling more. What a story to tell. And its not even going to cost us much to give it a try.

Smiling wont change our circumstances but it will make us feel better. Think about this; two scenarios; both with the same circumstances, one person feels unhappy, one person feels happy, which person would you want to be?

What is Smile Forward™?

Smile Forward™ is an organisation that wants to encourage more people to smile more often. We believe that it's an easy way to socially improve the world, with results you can see.

We are also passionate about putting smiles on every child's face. 100% of our profits go directly to providing food, homes, clean water, education and healthcare to orphans in the greatest need.


Who would you like to smile at today. Who ever it is, it will make a difference in their life.

Who? You? Anyone? Everyone can smile. If you know anyone that can't smile tell them about the link on the home page titled Having trouble smiling? Or you can click here to have a look and tell them about it. There is lots of great information.

And, a smile is a smile in every language. Different nationalities and languages wont stop you smiling.

Who is Smile Forward™?

Smile Forward™ is an organisation that wants to encourage more people to smile more often. We believe that it's an easy way to socially improve the world with results you can see. We are also passionate about seeing smiles on every child's face. 100% of our profits go directly to providing food, homes, clean water, education and healthcare to orphans in the greatest need. We are audited regularly.


Why not right now, it only takes a few seconds to smile. Every one has a few seconds.

You will see the results immediately when they smile back at you. Even if they don't, remember no one needs a smile more than someone who has not got one to give. May be the next time someone smiles at them, they will be able to smile back.

When do you want to feel good, how about now.

What you sow you reap. When will that smile come back to you, may be in time where you really appreciate or need it.

Even if you don't feel like smiling now, why not force a smile, it gets easier and easier. Before you know it, you will enjoy smiling.

When do you feel the best, when you are happy, smiling or laughing.

You cant feel happy and sad at the same time, so why not choose happy and smile at someone today.

We are coming up to tough times, history tells us that some people will commit suicide. What if you smile at someone at just the right time.


To make a difference, just get some free cards, smile at people and give them a card. You can tell them about it if you want to. Give it a try, you will see the results.

It does not take much time but can make a huge difference. If you smile at three people every day then they smile at 3 people and then they smile at 3 people and it just goes on like that, after just one month there will be over 200 trillion extra smiles in the world. (click here to see how it works)

Even if people don't smile at 3 people every day, they just do it once, it will still mean over 4 billion extra smiles in the world in just one month. (click here to see how it works)

sharing smiles, smile forward